
Tectono-Stratigraphic Framework With 2D Palinspatic Reconstruction of Salawati Basin, Bird’S Head, West Papua

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 43rd Ann. Conv., 2019

Tectonic Evolution of Papua has influenced the formation of Salawati basin and divided its stratigraphy into several megasequences (Pre-Tertiary, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, and Plio-Pleistocene Sequences). The tectonostratigraphic framework of Salawati Basin is analyzed based on palinspastic reconstructions of interpreted seismic reflection data to unravel the timing and kinematics of structures of each phase. The tectonostratigraphy includes Syn-Rift 1 phase, Post-Rift phase, Convergence phase, and Syn-Rift 2 phase. The Syn-Rift 1 phase (Pre-Tertiary-Early Oligocene) began with the intra-cratonic main extension and rifting which occurs along the northwestern edge of Australia which results in thickening of the rift basin in the north-northeast. Intensive rifting activities formed extensional graben on the edge of Papua. The appearance of the Pre-Tertiary Sequence showed a different shape of the basin geometry which is dominated by low-high morphology repetitively. The characteristics of sequence distribution associated with the normal faults NW-SE and NNW-SSE in Syn-Rift phase. The Post-Rift phase (Early Oligocene-Late Miocene) occurred regressively in Oligocene which causes uplift and erosion in the Salawati Basin. Clastic sedimentary rock (Oligocene Sequence) was deposited and harmoniously deposited Kais Formation (Miocene Sequence). Miocene Sequence occurred during regression and Plio-Pleistocene Sequence developed during transgression that clastic sediments were deposited. Convergence phase (Late Oligocene-Resen) and Syn-Rift 2 phase (Plio-Pleistocene-Resen), compression was transmitted in the southern Papua caused collision which formed the Cretaceous-Eocene Island Arc and reactivation Mesozoic Grabens. At Late Miocene to Early Pliocene, Sorong Fault was formed which caused significant tectonic changes in the Bird's Head. The Salawati Basin which developed into the foreland basin has the greatest impact became a pull-apart basin due to the transitional system of Sorong Fault. This transitional system caused the development of normal fault which involve basin subsidence and reversal of Salawati Basin depocenter from S-SE to N-NW and deposit Klasafat-Klasaman Formation (Plio-Pleistocene Sequence) quickly and thickly.

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