
The application of fracturing to bypass severe formation damage in an ultra-high permeability reservoir

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 23rd Ann. Conv., 1994

The use of hydraulic fracturing has historically been reserved for stimulation of productivity in low permeability formations. Stimulation of higher permeability reservoirs has typically been achieved through matrix acidizing. Recent advances now enable the application of hydraulic fracturing to overcome the limitations of conventional matrix treatments. Small volume, high concentration, propped fracture treatments (skinfracs) can now be used to bypass near wellbore damage and enhance the well productivity in the higher permeability formations common to Indonesia.Widuri wells require gravel packing upon completion and electrical submersible pumps (ESPs) are employed to lift the fluid production. After completion, the Widuri A-8 well exhibited lower than expected productivity. Efforts to remediate the near wellbore damage through matrix stimulation resulted in additional production impairment. The decision was made to perform a fracture treatment to bypass the damage and restore the well productivity. This treatment is believed to set a record for the highest permeability formation ever hydraulically fractured.

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