
The Benefit of 3D Seismic Data for Muda Reservoir Characterization from “ABC” Discovery, South Natuna Sea Block B, West Natuna Basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

Results of ABC-2 well in 2020 successfully appraised hydrocarbon discovery in the Muda reservoir previously identified yet neglected in ABC-1 well. To date, there is no production coming from this Muda play. Even though the presence of flat spot and bright spot can be identified across the ABC structure, the legacy 2D seismic data was not adequate to characterize the vertical and lateral heterogeneity of the reservoirs. 3D towed streamer seismic data was acquired in 2021 and used to conduct reservoir characterization for further development purposes.

The main challenges of ABC seismic data include observable abundant residual multiples and shallow gas pockets overlaying the Muda reservoirs causing amplitude attenuations and push-down at the objective intervals. Optimal seismic amplitude processing and an accurate velocity model are needed for further quantitative seismic analysis and to produce an optimal depth image of the ABC structure. To overcome those challenges, the 3D seismic processing workflow focused on applying broadband processing, careful seismic amplitude recovery, a series of multiple attenuation steps, and FWI QPSDM. FWI has proven to be an effective tool for complex velocity updates tied to well velocity data. The optimal Q model was built to overcome imaging in a dimmed zone by compensating amplitude and frequency decay.

The subsurface data analysis integrated all well data, including pressure, DST, core sample, as well as 3D seismic data. It played an important role in defining productive reservoir distribution and further development strategy of ABC discovery.

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