The Challenges And opportunities in Belanak Zone-3 Development
Year: 2013
Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 37th Ann. Conv., 2013
Belanak Gabus Zone-3 was deposited in a lower delta front fluvial to lacustrine margin environment. Depositional environments of sand bodies include coarsening upward delta-front successions or distributary mouth bars, fluvial channels, crevasse splay, and delta front slumps. The field has been on production since 2005. Dynamic data indicates that the production declines are fast and the reservoir is much more complex than initially expected. We are facing many challenges including: severe compartmentalization, extremely low oil recovery, low gas lifting efficiency in most of the wells, well damage and poor correlation between log data vs. production performance data etc resulting in uncertainties in the geological model. To overcome the challenges and push production to its technical limit, a number of studies and operations have been planned and performed. Examples include: a continued drilling program in 2013, a fracture development pilot study, a gas lifting optimization program, an operations optimization study to reduce reservoir abandonment pressure, and a new approach to create a rational geological model by linking it with dynamic data. Through the optimization plan and study, the reservoir is expected to improve hydrocarbon recovery by 5% to 11%.
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