
The Deeper potential in Kepala Burung PSC, Salawati Basin: A review from current 3D seismic data

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

The Kepala Burung PSC is located in the Salawati Basin, West Papua which has widely been known as a mature and prolific basin. More than 20 fields have been discovered that have produced oil and gas from the Miocene Kais carbonate as its main reservoir (e.g. Kasim, Jaya and Walio fields). The discoveries have proved the tertiary petroleum system of the basin. As the Kais level has been highly explored, the pre-Kais or pre-Tertiary level has not been the main focus of exploration in the past and remains underexplored. Three 3D seismic surveys were acquired during the years 2004-2007 in the Arar and Walio area and were originally designed to obtain best seismic quality image of Kais reservoir intervals. The surveys have a 5 seconds’ record length and 2 milliseconds sample rate with coverage of 25 x 25meter line spacing and were processed as PSTM. The current 3D seismic data has shown a high imaging quality in the Kais and shallow section (0 – 2000 ms). The resolution decreases below the Kais and deeper section, which makes the seismic interpretation become challenging. The preliminary interpretation of deeper horizons of pre-Kais or pre-Tertiary level from the current 3D seismic data has identified some encouraging closures. Well tie to JD-1 well suggested the interpreted horizon is equivalent with the sandstone of Tertiary Waripi Fm or Jurassic age of the Kembelangan group. This horizon is mostly present at the Walio and Arar area. Another two deeper horizons (pre-Tertiary age?) are also present conformably with Waripi, thinning (or possibly truncated) to the North. Horizon continuity and fault imaging are poor at this level due to seismic quality limitation, therefore seismic data enhancement is required to better define the geometry of the structure.

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