
The Influence of Maintenance Management on the Production Efficiency

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities Republic of Indonesia (or known as SKK Migas) has responsibility in maintaining and maximizing national oil and gas production. As part of this function, the Division of Project Management and Facilities Maintenance has responsibility to monitor and ensure the maintenance programs, undertaken by the Production Sharing Contract (PSC) Contractor on their production facilities, are in accordance with good engineering and technical practices. As part of the supervision and control, maintenance assessments were carried out by SKK Migas against PSCs, with the objectives to see a snapshot or a baseline of maintenance management in the PSC and to develop follow-up actions based on assessment results. An assessment tools were designed and developed to assess four key areas that consist of People, Policies, Plant, and Performance, which were further cascaded into 12 sub-categories: Leadership, Organization, Strategy, Procedures, Planning & Scheduling, Asset Optimization, Work Management, Material Management, Performance Review, Audit & Compliance, and Reporting. Data for the assessment was gathered through a set of questionnaire which covered all sub-categories, verified by documents submitted, interview key personnel, and site visits. In 2015, the assessment was conducted on a National Oil Company (NOC), in 20 operating fields spread throughout Indonesia, to get the snapshot of their maintenance management and its correlation with their plant productivity, which is measured using Production Efficiency approach. The results show that good maintenance management can reduce breakdown and improve work planning which can significantly increase production efficiency.

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