
The integration of borehole, seismic data, geological field work, paleontological data, and SAR in a thrusted area of East Kalimantan

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 18th Ann. Conv., 1989

Our understanding of the earth is becoming better as geoscientists improve both geological and geophysical tools and develop new analytical techniques. These tools provide new data to be integrated into an improved geological interpretation of an area.The primary aim of thispaper is to describe an integrated mapping project. The case study is in a complex thrusted geological province of East Kalimantan. The first step is to correlate borehole data with seismic sections and carry the interpretation to the surface to generate a ",seismic outcrop", map. Explorationists can then correlate the ",seismic outcrop", map with the SAR mosaics to refine the interpretation. The results of the geological field work are then integrated into the interpretation. The project is finalized by incorporating the biostratigraphic data into the interpretation.An enhanced interpretation and a more astute geological understanding of the area can be obtained by the integration of all available data in the project area.

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