
The Key to Improving Production in the Arun Field by Stimulation

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

Arun Field is a retrograde-gas development of a giant mature field that has been producing since 1977. Since 1978, stimulation work has been done in an attempt to raise and sustain Arun's production. Scale is among the common issues in HPHT reservoirs. The goal of the stimulation that has been carried out is to increase production and restore potential by removing restrictions and skin in wellbore storage. Acidizing on carbonate formations aims to create wormhole so that hydrocarbons can flow through the wormholes. (Guo, 2006). Arun Field is a carbonate reef where acidizing and acid fracturing are compatible approaches.

Well intervention performed through acidizing stimulation and acid fracturing based on statistical analysis can increase production with a median gain percentage (P50) of 81-87% per well. Whereas gain (P90) is 18-28% per well with Log Normal Curve Fit Unconstrained and Beta Curve Fit. The challenge in acidizing and acid fracturing work is well integrity in old wells that have been producing for over 45 years.

This paper will present an overview of the production improvement on several case studies of stimulation job in Arun Field, an estimate of the gain in some prospective stimulation wells, and problems encountered when working on giant fields that are already mature.

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