
The Role of Geomatics Discipline to Support Langsa Complex Restoration Program: 3D Visualization of Subsurface and Existing Subsea Facilities Geospatial Data

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

The restoration of the mature Langsa Oil & Gas Complex in the Malacca Strait is a crucial decision for PERTAMINA management. Evaluating and assessing the quality and extent of available data from HSSE (Health, Safety, Security, and Environment), economics, and technical perspectives become essential in order to define an appropriate strategy for new data acquisition and processing requirements. In turn, this supports optimal reactivation and re-production of the reserves.

GIS plays a fundamental role in managing, integrating, visualizing and analyzing the disparate data types required for this project. Data types include subsea structures visualized using ROV video modelling, pipeline cathodic protection and wall thickness data, seabed profiles and imageries managed in Seabed Survey Data Model (SSDM), and pre-existing subsurface geology and geophysical datasets. Underlying legacy geodesy parameters and configuration also need to be re-confirmed.

Data integrations in a GIS framework are complicated and challenging. Several mechanisms have been applied to enable data to be presented in a web-based application that provides comprehensive visualization and improved data accessibility. This application enables users and stakeholders to contextualize the complex geospatial relationships of the subsea environment and subsurface data.

The implementation of the full extent of geomatics skillsets, from geodesy, survey operations and data acquisition to geospatial data management, visualization and analysis, will benefit both the technical and management communities by allowing rapid and integrated access to relevant, trusted data and information. This will enable decision-makers to have apposite analysis and appropriate recommendations for re-commissioning strategies.

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