
The wellsite computer - an aid to log evaluation and log quality control

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 10th Ann. Conv., 1981

Well logging methods have changed markedly in recent years, especially with the introduction of computerized well logging systems. The wellsite computer offers a unique approach to well data acquisition and reservoir evaluation. This approach uses a minicomputer and other devices operated as computer peripherals. Output can be made in several formats to allow the log analyst to quickly recognize important formation data needed for optimum log interpretation.Man/Machine interfacing is an important facet of the system and adds reliability to the calibration process and log accuracy. Precise calibration methods performed for each logging service result in improved quality control and faster logging operations.Interpretive results of the logs obtained at the wellsite add another dimension to formation evduation and reduces risk associated with forthcoming decisions.

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