
Total Indonesie, Handil tertiary recovery chemical flood pilot

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 13th Ann. Conv., 1984

Handil is a com lex delta type field with a large oil accumulation (1.5 109 STB). It consists of approximately 300 superposed reservoirs ranged at between 300 and 3000 meters depth. The recovery by water injection is expected to be 45% of the initial oil in place.Chemical flooding could be one possible way to produce part of the remaining oil trapped in some of the reservoirs with 500 10 6 STB original oil in place and thus imporove the expected fmal recovery of the field.mulation (1.5 10 B STB). It consists of approximately 300A pilot test is necessary and is under preparation.The pilot will be a normal five spot with injection in four injectors and production balanced by central well to approximate as closely as possible a confined pattern and to allow a comprehensive interpretation of the results.The process considered is the displacement of oil by a micellar mixture of sulfonate/alcohol and followed by water polymer mixture.After defining which surfactant should be used, behavior studies of water soluble polymer solutions are carried out in the Laboratory.An investigation of the optimum size and concentration for a given amount of surfactant is performed on a set of cores. These Laboratory experiments and numerical simulations show an optimum oil recovery for a fairly concentrated small size chemical slug.

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