
Transformation to the New Norm: Integrated Concept of HSE and Social Aspects as Journey to Operation Excellence

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

In the journey to achieve excellence in operation from the Health, Safety, and Environment point of view, it becomes company strategy to define the concept of integration between the management system of Health, Safety, and Environment with the stakeholder relationship governed under Sustainability and Social Responsibility framework. The integration will lead to the two ways approach of HSE, internally and externally. The main objective of both is to maintain the encouragement and support from internal resources and external stakeholders such as local community, partners, and related parties. In the continuation of the operation phase where the challenge of HSE issues is not only come from the internal hazards/ threats but also external security, the way to look both of the aspects into one systemic concept will provide clearer alignment to handle any problems related to behavior and community grievance. This paper will describe the new approach on management system concept where it covers the process to ensure the safe, healthy, and environmentally friendly operation and the management of external conflicts which may be raised by the negative consequences of the operation (environment or social impact) as societal safety challenges. The improvement of internal HSE system of company will lead to the minimization of potential incident to occur. On the other hand, the engagement to local communities and respective parties is aimed to maintaining the societal risk within tolerable level by the company. The consistent implementation of this integrated concept will then lead the journey to the operation excellence and sustainability management which then beneficial to the company business globally.

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