
Treatment of Java Seawater for pressure maintenance and secondary recovery

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 12th Ann. Conv., 1983

This paper presents design criteria and commissiuning experiences of seawater treating facilities located on Pabelokan Island, in Pertamina/IIAPCO's southeast Sumatra Contract Area. Provided is a brief review of seawater treatment facilities worldwide as compared to the facilities on Pabelokan Island.Reservoir characteristics with a correlation to injection water quality determinations are provided. Schematics of the plant flow are provided and review of each major piece of plant equipment with its resultant water quality is discussed. Chemical treatment required to assist mechanical component in obtaining the specified water quality is presented.Special emphasis is placed on the following topics :1. Deaeration tower operation and oxygen scavenger requirements.2. Bacterial control.3. Determination of scaling tendencies.4. Coulter counter utilization.5. Water quality monitoring techniques.

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