
Under Rig Floor Offline Tubingless Cementing in Swamp Drilling Rigs Mahakam Delta

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 43rd Ann. Conv., 2019

Mahakam delta is developed with industrialized drilling activities with Swamp Barge Rigs. The main challenge is wells with low incremental reserves, especially in Tunu field, where the operator shall reduce the cost of drilling to preserve the economics of the development projects without jeopardizing the operation safety and wells productivity. One of the key to optimize drilling operation is maximizing offline activity from the critical path and simultaneous to other activities on the rig. This paper describes the concept of offline Tubingless completion cementing while performing other activities and the engineering design of the components that make the concept becomes practically feasible. The offline activity starts when BOP is disconnected from the well after tubing hanger land and locked on Wellhead. Rig floor activity continues to batch drilling operation on other wells or preparation for move out for single well. The paper explains the operational concerns to integrate the unique offline Tubingless completion cementing with existing Swamp Barge Rig systems. In term of safety, all of the operations respect to 2 independent well barriers. The ultimate benefit of offline Tubingless cementing is reduction in time and cost for drilling. Considering 70-90 wells are delivered per year in Swamp operation, total benefit to overall drilling operation is very substantial. The application presented in this paper achieved the objective to allow further development in Mahakam Delta.

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