
Unlocking the value of E&P information

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 28th Ann. Conv., 2001

Exploration and production (E&P) is one of the most information intensive activities in business. In the last few years, considerable effort has been devoted to improving the management of E&P information. Many E&P companies have constructed corporate data stores populated by validated, high quality E&P data. Recently, new techniques have been employed to make data and information more accessible to E&P professionals and managers, thus unlocking the value of this information. Effectively managed data are organized, validated, secure, accessible, and maintained. E&P information management is integrated along the dimensions of information function, information domain, and media type, thus improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the entire process.Enterprise resources planning (ERP) systems are increasingly important as ways of organizing business information. The integration of technical E&P data with business data enables business decisions to be made with improved effectiveness. Implementation of such systems is a complex process that involves change management throughout the process.The value of these systems is unlocked when the information in them is accessed and used to make business decisions. Information access should be organized along the lines of business processes, with the goal of making measurable improvements in these business processes. The enterprise information portal is a new technology that gives users at all levels of the E&P organization personalized access to the exact information, applications and collaboration they need for their business tasks.

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