
Use of rectangular hyperbolic method to evaluate fractured gas reservoirs

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 17th Ann. Conv., 1988

Recently, a different approach to pressure buildup analysis for analyzing dual porosity systems for oil reservoirs was suggested by Mead. He developed a threeconstant equation from the approximation of the Ei function to describe transient pressure behavior. The equation developed traces a rectangular hyperbola, to determine average reservoir pressure directly from the asymptote regardless of the drainage shape and bocndary condition. This is very useful for field application because of the uncertainties associated with the definition of drainage shape.Mead used any three sets of pressure-time data to describe rectangular hyperbola for the well. Although Meads approach provides satisfactory results, based on our evaluation, the method doesnt provide one unique answer. Data scatter is inherent in any field test, and the result may vary depending on the choice of data sets.The objective of this paper is to develop and apply Meads theory for fractured gas reservoirs using linear regression to obtain the optimum result.

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