
Use of the dipmeter to improve formation evaluation in thin-bedded sand/shale sequences

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 10th Ann. Conv., 1981

Estimation of reserves in lenticular reservoirs consisting of many thin bedded sand-shale sequences is complicated by an overly pessimistic evaluation of sand count and hydrocarbon in place when using conventional log interpretation techniques. It is considered probable that thin clean sand lenses have connected permeability. Their contribution to production should be considered in the estimation of reserves.An approach has been devised to improve the evaluation of thin clean sands by introducing accurate bed boundaries between sand and shale laminae as identified clearly on the dipmeter “GEODIP processing presentation. Dipmeter data is integrated into conventional computer log analyses to yield more realistic estimates of porosity and hydrocarbon saturation throughout the reservoir. This paper describes the method and the results attained to date using this technique.

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