
Utilization of Bamboo Ash to Enhance Cement Strength in Well Cementing Operations

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

An excellent cementing process may reduce potential damage to the wellbore that could occur from lack of cement strength to withstand formation pressure or pressure from the fluid in the circulating system. The Shear Bond Strength (SBS) and Compressive Strength (CS) values are two parameters which can describe the strength of the cement in the wellbore. Numerous chemical additives have been used to effectively improvecement strength, however, due to economical reasons and environmental issues, this utilization of chemical additive should be limited. Through this study, authors try to propose an alternative additive which is relatively economical and environmentally friendly. This experimental study uses raw material originating from the bamboo. The bamboo is known to contain silica, which has been tested to enhance the strength of cement. To investigate the effect of the silica content in bamboo, bamboo ash samples with different concentrations are prepared and biaxial loading test is used to obtain high performance for CS and SBS. The experimental results show that the highest CS and SBS valueare achieved for a cement sample with silica concentrations of 15% BWOC. The values obtained were 4900.91 psi for compressive strength and 1152.29 psi for shear bond strength.

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