
Utilization of Comprehensive Information Technology in the Waste Management Process to Support Compliance with GOI Requirements

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

The Waste Management Process in the Sumatra Operations Duri Area of PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia has continued to improvise by promoting the use of comprehensive information technology. 45 units of Heavy Equipment (Dump Truck, Excavator, etc.), 2 waste treatment facilities and an associated 4 injection wells and operated based on permit KepMen LHK/09.3.02/2015 are used for handling hazardous waste oily sand. The hazardous waste to be handled/managed is hazardous waste oily sand which is a side/residual product from the liquid separation process of oil treating facilities in SMO. The paramount objective for the applications of comprehensive information technology are to improve safety performance in waste management operations and to adhere to all GOI requirements and environmental regulations standards, in addition to increasing the productivity of effective and efficient waste management operations. The Environmental Operations Team has developed three (3) information technology systems/applications to support the above objectives, Data Management System Share Point, which provides planning (hauling & injection hazardous waste oily sand), recorded volumes, daily reports and the ability to manage integrated documentation for waste manifest from all areas. Share point enables establishing and managing operations activity to become easier and also be neatly filed. I Journey Management System to determine the behavior of heavy Equipment Operators & Drivers in Waste Hauling activities to reduce & minimize potential hazards using Heavy Equipment. The iJMS system automatically generates and updates several key parameters in “real time” for monitoring, control, reporting, tracking of action plan and trending analysis which can be drilled down to department level, contract owner and vehicles/drivers such as journey deviation, idle time, over speeding, over acceleration, over deceleration, etc. Well Data Online Monitoring System in Waste Treatment Facilities to monitor injection parameters both for surface & subsurface facilities. After downloading the application & installing in PC/Laptop/Smartphone, all parameters can be viewed & monitored anytime anywhere as long as internet access is available. The Well data monitoring system has been already installed at GOI KLHK office in Jakarta. Utilization of information technologies can be effective in increasing the performance of an organization, including increasing safety, aligning with environmental regulations and working effectively. Currently we can provide data information quickly & accurately and the monitoring system can be applied anywhere and anytime as a part of regulatory compliance.

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