
Utilization of Condensate-to-Gas Ratio (CGR) and Productivity Data for Better Reservoir Management and Maximizing the Economic Value of Retrograde Gas Reservoir

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Production data in the retrograde gas reservoir besides to determine the estimated ultimate recoveries and ensure deliverability, is resilient tool for further characterizing gas reservoir and for updating the reservoir management scenarios especially for mature field. The decline trend of condensate-to-gas ratio (CGR) in retrograde gas reservoir indicates a condensation phenomenon in the reservoir which is good indication of dew point pressure for such reservoir fluid has been reached. Initial PVT properties data can be further evaluated and updated accordingly. Although within the same reservoir, CGR from well to well may vary. High CGR wells are associated with better productivity of the well. The distribution of properties and parameters in static model can be updated accordingly. Productivity data reveals the drawdown pressure required for the amount of produced gas. Knowing better properties distribution and productivity data can alter the reservoir management strategy such as to maximize production from better properties producer to delay the depletion of gas reservoir. In addition, it will improve the condensate yield for the same pressure drawdown. The placement of the infill wells, additional stimulation for less productive wells, and well completion plan can be optimized as well accordingly. This paper will deliver the production history of mature retrograde gas reservoir, analysis and lesson learnt can be adopted into new developed gas reservoir in order to apply better reservoir management and maximized the economic value of the reservoir.

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