
Utilization of remotely sensed data to establish environmental sensitivity index of East Kalimantan

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 27th Ann. Conv., 1999

The Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) provides base information to establish an environmental state of readiness that can be used as response priority and in contingency planning. In the event environmental damage such as an oil spill occurs, the crisis command center will have a quick assessment of the situation by way of potential damage to economic activities and the natural environment.This study intends to promote an integration of remote sensing and field/laboratory results. The field/laboratory results have high precision at sampling locations, and remote sensing is utilized to extrapolate to a wider area. The ESI map of the sea and coastal area of the East Kalimantan - Unocal working area indicates that generally the sensitive area is along the shoreline and degrades to be moderate, less sensitive and not sensitive toward deep sea.

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