
Utilizing Variably Integrated Spectral Frequency To Extract Entire Fluvial Systems

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 37th Ann. Conv., 2013

Time-frequency continuous wavelet transform (TFCWT) is introduced in this study to decompose seismic signal in time-domain into frequencydomain. Major advantages of this method are to decomposing seismic signal into integrated seismic range and relating integrated frequency to specific time record (non-stationary). Subsequence of transformation gives a pseudo-frequency. Although it is not an absolute values as Fourier transform but it measures similarity between a mother wavelet and a seismic signal (relative frequency). The result demonstrates comparative windows, which is nonuniqueness solution. To be objective interpretation is mandatorily localizing in a discrete window rather than juxtaposing data globally. The study area is in a fluvial system of Gulf of Thailand. Tracking sand distribution by utilizing TFCWT method illustrates explicit correlation between sand morphology and integrated frequency range. Moreover, in narrow window analysis of thin sand saturated hydrocarbon (10 m) at producing well can be revealed in the particular frequency range (25-35 Hz). Keywords: Time-frequency continuous wavelet transform, Continuous wavelet transform, Seismic Inversion, Matching pursuit, Spectral decomposition, Fourier transform, and Seismic attributes.

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