
Wellbore heat transmission: a simple solution technique

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 13th Ann. Conv., 1984

The need was seen for a simple solution technique to the wellbore heat transmission problem. During the past few years a considerable effort has been applied to developing a mathematical model. This paper gives a brief review of the published literature and explains the development of the comprehensive mathematical model as proposed by Farouq Ali(1. The solution technique employed involves complex numerical schemes which have been difficult to reproduce. This paper presents an analytic solution to Farouq Alis model which can be easily implemented. It consists of a simple superpositioning algorithm in the time domain,thus permitting a marching algorithm similar to multiphase flow calculations in pipe lines.A brief description is given of a computer program based on the solution technique presented. The emphasis is placed on how it could be applied to evaluate the feasibility of a given thermal project.

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