
A History of 50 years Deepwater Drilling Activities in Indonesia (1968 - 2020)

Proceedings Title : PROCEEDINGS, INDONESIAN PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION, Forty-Fifth Annual Convention & Exhibition, 1 - 3 September 2021

Effort for overviewing deepwater drilling activities in Indonesia was done in 1992, which covered first activities back in 1968. However, no update since then and not many oil and gas practitioners are familiar with the history of deepwater drilling in Indonesia so far. Perhaps, this is due to less information and publications. Literature review and interview practitioners were performed to gather every information related to deepwater drilling activities in Indonesia particularly. In detail, the quantitative data which consist of 40 basins with deepwater environment and 276 drilled wells are presented in this paper. Overview of deepwater drilling activities both exploration and development projects on every basin with certain time periods are described. Moreover, the data is interpreted statistically to give a better understanding and enrich the historical overview. Finally, this research is providing comprehensive historical of deepwater drilling activities both exploration and development project in Indonesia for 50 years since 1968 to 2020. Nevertheless, the accuracy and completeness of the data can be improved for future study.

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