
A method for completing horizontal wells

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 22nd Ann. Conv., 1993

A new approach to completing horizontal wells is proposed to make future stimulation work much more effective. Current well design formulations, largely influenced by vertical well technologies, do not lend themselves well to further stimulation. Treatment of wells that have been depleted to noneconomical levels may generate marginal production increases.The new method uses hydrajetting technology to enhance the ability to successfully stimulate a horizontal well. It uses a hydrajetting tool that is capable of creating fan-shaped slots in the formation behind the casing in order to direct fracture initiation correctly. Only limited-sized slots are cut through the casing, thus maintaining its integrity. Using this new approach will result in more effective treatment of localized areas, and will drastically improve stimulation or damage bypass treatments.Patent applications have been filed on the subject matter contained in this paper.

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