
A Modelling Of CO₂ Injection Based On Sensitivity Study To Improve The Coal Bed Methane (CBM) Production Profile In "Ray" Field, South Sumatera Basin Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 37th Ann. Conv., 2013

Sensitivity study of CO2 injection in CBM reservoir drainage process using two injection models called Musi and Acre at, with simulation time cases of 30 years. Musi model contains five spot and line drive injection models. Acre injection model is often used based on the drainage area of the field, including 5 spot pattern with 3 drainage area are 90, 160, and 360 acre. The level of success and optimization of gas production rate based on many factors of geology, reservoir characteristics, drilling activities, as well as external factors of CO2 injection, which is associated with the water production during the dewatering process. CO2 is greater ability to absorb and to adhere on coal matrix surface than methane, and expected to improve the efficiency of methane gas recovery process, which initially absorbed in coal matrix. The Production Profile resulting from Musi five spot and line drive models for Pro-1 well increase with maximum methane gas rate production from 24.68 to 26.12 Mscfpd and from 32.89 to 668.87 Mscfpd with cumulative gas rate production from 7141.04 to 8310.1 Mscfd (8.8 to 35.9% CO2) and from 229.860 to 5843.020 MMscf (99.57% CO2). For Acre model, the 90 acre model is the best model which has a higher maximum methane gas rate production from 22.5578 MMscfd to 37.367 Mmscfd with cumulative from 75.212 MMscf to 94.740 MMscf. Result from sensitivity studies based on the simulation and modeling of CO2 injection program, was used to observe the production profile as the references to optimize the gas production rate and consideration to the plan of development (POD) in the CBM field. CO2 injection into the reservoir will also reduce CO2 emission in the atmosphere, to support efforts in reducing the global warming.

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