
A Study To Formulate Predictive Modeland Screening Criteria For New EOR Method In Indonesia: Surdactant Huff N'Puff Injection

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 37th Ann. Conv., 2013

The Surfactant Huff n’ Puff Injection is a newly applied EOR method that yields higher efficiencies than the conventional method by injecting surfactant in the producer well instead of an injector well. The cycle consists of surfactant injection, temporary well shut-in while letting the surfactant soak causing increased oil extraction around the well, and eventual production of incremental oil production above conventional method. Those sequences are performed until reaching its economic limits. Advantages are obvious, particularly on the significant cost efficiency due to less-complicated surface facilities and absence of an injector well. Moreover, surfactant can react directly with the reservoir rock near wellbore, reducing chemical degradation as fluid advances. As we know, the main quality of surfactant fluid ability to displace more oil is its stability under high temperature while flowing through reservoir rocks. If the surfactant fluid flows over long distance between injector and producer well, it will be adsorbed and the only fluid reaching the producer well is water with no surfactant. Therefore, in order to increase the effectiveness and economic value, surfactant Huff n’ Puff method is proposed. This study focuses on determining reservoir criteria in which this method can be optimally applied using CMG™ reservoir simulator. This paper also provides a predictive model to analyze the impact of surfactant Huff n’ Puff by performing additional sensitivity studies. Subsequently, practitioners can forecast the Additional Recovery Factor when this method is applied. The calculation result from proposed predictive model is verified with calculation result from simulator.

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