
Acceleration of thin oil rim development of Fariz Field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 34th Ann. Conv., 2010

Fariz Field is located in South Sumatra Extension Block under the operation of PT Medco E&P Indonesia. Fariz Field was discovered and declared a gas reservoir accessed by the Fariz-1 exploration well in April 2004, oil was first discovered in the Fariz-3 delineation drilling well in November 2005. The 250 ft gas cap is surrounded by an 80 ft thin oil rim with gas cap-to-oil ratio of (M) = 16. The gas retrieved is dedicated to supply a domestic local fertilizer plant extension, scheduled to start in 2016. There is therefore around 10 years leeway to drain the oil reserves before the gas cap blow-down starts in 2016. In fact, the challenge is how to optimize oil recovery before the gas cap blow-down time. Another interesting challenge on the Fariz Development was the unique reservoir type, where probable and possible reserves (in terms of untested areas and subject to geological uncertainties) force a phasing strategy for the development. This phasing strategy has been implemented in several consecutive POD, the first of which was approved in January 2007, consisting of Phase-I (2 wells) and Phase-II (5 wells). Additional reserves were revealed after the implementation of the first POD and developed by the second POD (Phase-III), approved in December 2008, proposing eight additional wells to drain oil from Baturaja and Conglomerate formation - also, with facilities to utilize the associated gas and gas coning produced together with the oil.Following the drilling of POD Phase-III (up to Fariz-15), geological evaluation indicated there are challenges to prove up reserves and to extend the oil potential to the western part. Current proven reserves of 1.3 MMBO were projected to be feasible for recovery by current Phasing POD, which optimizes the oil recovery with a period constraint of gas blow-down time, by 2016.

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