Alternative ways to manage students: part of our professional responsibility
Year: 2011
Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 35th Ann. Conv., 2011
Managing good-academic and industry-experienced students are very important for the continuity of people supply in the industry, as the students are the main source of talented and educated manpower. Diversity of the resources is the key in managing the students. Diverse resources means to diverse people, place, hardware, software, and time allocated to develop industry-experienced students. Basically, there are two proposed alternative ways for managing students: the internal way, which is bringing student to the companys project, and the external way, which is sending professional outside company to go to universities and professional associations. Included in the internal ways are to include contractor to participate, treat student as an intern/temporary employee, and build a project for the university sponsored by company that involves a number of students. While included in the external ways are sending professionals to universities for short course, seminars, stadium general, or guest lecturer, and also to build relationship with professional associations (IAGI-Geologist Association, HAGI-Geophysicist Association, IATMI-Petroleum Engineer Association, IPAIndonesian Petroleum Association) for any industry related trainings. The point is that there are many ways to manage students if we are willing to do it, as part of our professional and social responsibility.
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