
An Innovative Design of WHP To Secure 2022 Drilling Campaign Readiness and Bronang Gas PIS In 2023

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

It has been a common practice to conduct drilling activity on an installed wellhead platform after it is fully completed. This means that platform topside has to be in place before the arrival of the drilling rig. However, in some cases where the schedule of a particular project is a challenge, a different approach is necessary. During the last few years, securing a contract with drilling rig (JU) has been difficult, especially larger JU rig, due to high demand of rig in the market. So securing rig contract whenever such opportunity arrives is critical. On the other side, the completion of platform topside is always much later than that of platform jacket, naturally due to the higher complexity of the topside fabrication and construction comparde to jacket. So combining the drilling schedule and platform completion schedule is another major challenge. Medco Forel and Bronang Project faced these two challenges. A new strategy that would make the wellhead platform ready for drilling sooner than planned, was taken. To support this, an innovative design of WHP which allows drilling activity prior to topside installation was decided. It was successfully implemented in the project. A simple Temporary Drilling Deck (TDD) was designed and installed on Bronang WHP jacket in 2022, which consequently, allowed earlier commencement and completion of drilling in 2022 to enable PIS in 2023. The original plan was to start drilling in 2023 to achieve PIS in 2024. This was, therefore, a significant schedule improvement

TDD of Bronang was the first implementation in Medco and has been designed such that its concept can be implemented for future projects. It can even be re-used for future project with minimal or no modification. The TDD will be utilized in West Belut Project (Est. cost saving USD 1.5M). And furthermore, similar TDD concept will be used also for Terubuk Project.

By implementing this innovation, several achievements are successfully obtained:
a. Increased NPV & IRR: Bronang Gas project is able to produce NPV of USD 28Mn, IRR 56% and avoid PIS in 2024, which is a significant increase from previous NPV of USD 21.7Mn and IRR of 37%.
b. Tender synergy of JU Rig with other project: JU Rig tender process can be conducted simultaneously with Belida Extension Project avoiding JU Rig stand by USD 300K/day until topside installation complete in 2023.
c. Efficient offshore HUC work: The topside can be completed in the onshore yard before transported and installed on its final site location offshore while drilling is taking place.

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