
An Optimization Model for The Planning of Corrosion Repair Campaign on Offshore Platform's Topside Facilities

Proceedings Title : PROCEEDINGS, INDONESIAN PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION, Forty-Fifth Annual Convention & Exhibition, 1 - 3 September 2021

Along with the aging equipment and facilities, offshore platforms especially topside facilities, encounter increasing challenges in maintaining asset integrity and reliability. Aging factors such as corrosion mainly needed maintenance and repair. The scope of the maintenance and repair varies from minor-major level repair, difficulties, and resources of the work. An assessment of every asset deterioration is required to develop a scope of work, method, resource, and schedule. This paper describes an optimization model that can be used to plan a repair campaign based on the variety of the repair by finding a categorized and assessed the detail of the asset deterioration The methodology of the optimization starts from listing all corrosion deterioration in the topside facilities, complete with detail of categories contains deterioration types, location, risk, difficulties, etc. The optimization model functionality is demonstrated in several cases, generated from actual deterioration data. A formula of the model is created to spread deterioration type for a selected specific methods of repair, including detail related to repair method, schedule, resources, including expected result. All repair action data will be collected and allocated into a campaign sequence. The result shows that significant resource savings can be made by adapting the optimal solutions from this model compared to an unplanned corrosion repair campaign. This model also covers asset repair that cannot be executed by the general maintenance team in a large scale repair campaign. The other benefit is to address the applicability of each repair method to minimize time-consuming repair campaign and shutdown time. The benefits of this paper are as a reference of the optimization model for the planning of a repair campaign, especially for facilities with significant amount of topside asset deterioration. Previously the repair campaign is not planned, produces further asset deterioration and increasing the risk of the topside facility for the offshore platform.

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