
Application of dynamic simulation to change the design and operation of LNG plants

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 9th Ann. Conv., 1980

Dynamic Computer Simulation is an effective tool for efficient design. It can be used to :o Evaluateldesign control systemso Evaluate system behavior during emergency upsetso Establish/verify startup and shutdown procedureo Train startup and plant operatorsThis paper documents how dynamic simulation has been applied to three areas of a LNG operation. They are :1. Centrifugal compressor systems2. Integrated electric/steam utility plant3. Gas gathering and condensate removal facilityIn Area#l, the paper discusses the application of dynamic simulation to centrifugal compressor control system design. It presents case histories involving the design of anti-surge protection for large compressor systems. It documents how simulation is used to test and amend start-up procedures.In Area#2, the paper discusses how simulation is used to design a pressure letdown control system. The simulation model is used to demonstrate how the utility plant would maintain steam and electrical balances during emergency upsets, e.g., compressor trips, trubine trips, boiler trips, etc.In Area#3, the pressure behavior of a gas gathering facility during normal and upset conditions is determined by the performance of the pressureflow control system. The paper discusses how dynamic simulation has been used to evaluate and redesign such control systems.The paper concludes with a brief discussion of how a dynamic simulation model is developed.

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