
Application of high precision pressure measurements in reservoir evaluation

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 6th Ann. Conv., 1977

A high accuracy pressure sensor coupled with a high accuracy temperature sensor provides measurements which, by their absolute precision and resolution, permit appreciation of resenoir and well charactexistics not detectable by conventional gauges.A temperature sensor is necessary not only for obtaining a reliable measurement but, since any rignificant pressure variation is accompanied by a tempaature change, the latter should also be taken into account when calculating the absolute pressure.The measuring system developed and operated by Flopetrol is composed of:. Integrated pressure/temperature gauge. Surface panel withmini-computer. Light weight Winch for monoconductor (1/8",) cable. Well head pressure control system.Four case histories desaiing various applications in fields opaated by the Company ELF AQUITAINE are pcsented:1) Determination of gas/water contact in the reservoir by the gradient intercept method.2) Pulse testing to evaluate reservoir communication without shut-in of the responding well.3) Dcumination of gas reserves after a production test by material balance based on two static pressure measurements.4) Application of interference test technique in a fractured resaarooir to evaluate the fracture system volume.

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