
Application Of Plasma Technology To Reducing CO₂ Emissions From gas Flares In Oil And Gas Industry

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 36th Ann. Conv., 2012

Activities in the oil and gas industry produce waste which can become a problem for environment. One of the problems regarding global issues is the releasing of greenhouse gases from flaring activities, as prevention from safety troubles, etc. However, UNEP has stated that Flaring of produced gas is the most significant source of air emissions. In this paper, the writer offers a solution that can reduce the amount of CO2 released into the air by converting it into other chemicals more beneficial as raw materials for other industries. The technology used is plasma technology. Plasmas are ionized gases which consist of positive and negative ions, and electrons as well as neutral species. The plasma reaction will lead o decomposition of CO2 into other substances with the excitation of electrons through a reaction mechanism. This is a significant improvement in organic synthesis via non-thermal plasmas and could lead to practical applications of plasma synthesis of more valuable products from flaring waste in the oil and gas industry. Furthermore, environmental problems such as global warming, climate change, etc. can be reduced.

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