
Application of scrapped steel for temporary anode in Vico Indonesia fields

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 22nd Ann. Conv., 1993

Failure of impressed current cathodic protection (CP) anodes may cause problems in field corrosion mitigation operations. Fortunately scrapped steels, which are easy to find in any industry, can be used as temporary anodes. Field experience has proven that temporary scrapped steel anodes have a performance efficiency of 80% when compared to that of the original anodes. Any bare steel such as a construction pile, which may be easily available within the vicinity of the anode, or one that has been newly constructed can be used as a temporary anode. Considering the time required to order and install a replacement anode, the scrapped steel anode has proven to be a satisfactory temporary solution. This solution will ensure that the structure is well protected during any interim period. If the remaining expected life time of the structure to be protected is not so long (say 5 years), the scrapped steel anode can even be considered to be a permanent one.

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