
Application of well-site palynology to hydrocarbon exploration

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 17th Ann. Conv., 1988

Well-site palynology provides a primary exploration tool for aiding operational decision making. The technique enablesup-to-the-minute stratigraphic monitoring of drilling progress and can provide accurate and precise stratigraphic information for the setting of casing points. It can also quickly provide valuable stratigraphic information to assist decisions on well termination. This wellsite service offers major time savings in sample transportation and communication of results.BP's recent design and development of a self-contained portable laboratory has provided a major breakthrough for enabling land-based and offshore well-site palynological analyses in such diverse locations as Alaska, Holland, Norway, Ireland, China and Papua New Guinea. The technical specifications of this palynology unit and its use are described with reference to BPs exploration in Papua New Guinea.

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