
Belitung Island Attests Terrane Tectonic Evolution: Pre-Tertiary Terrane Drifting, Subduction, Collision – Outcrop Analogues for Basement Reservoirs of Southeast Asian Basins

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

Belitung Island has been tectonically stable since Jurassic time. However, from the Carboniferous-Permian to the Late Triassic, this island recorded important tectono-stratigraphic and magmatic events that fulfil terrane tectonic evolution coined as from Gondwana dispersion to Asian accretion.

Belitung Island, positioning at the southernmost end of the Indochina Terrane, is mostly composed of shallow-deep marine Carboniferous-Permian sediments of Tajam and Kelapa Kampit Formations which were syn-drifting sediments since the Indochina Terrane broke up from northern Gondwana in the Devonian and drifted during Carboniferous-Permian. Limited exposures of the basaltic pillow lavas of Siantu considered to be Carboniferous-Permian in age, is interpreted in the light of terrane tectonics as suture of Paleo-Tethys Ocean. However, further data of radiometric dating, petrochemistry, and paleo-magnetic of the lavas are required for the best interpretation. In the Late Triassic Sibumasu Terrane which drifted later from Gondwana collided with Indochina. In Belitung Island this event was recorded by deformation of Carboniferous-Permian rocks, and granitic intrusions of the I- and S-type all dated 224-200 Ma (Late Triassic). The I- and S-type granitic intrusions recorded subduction of Meso-Tethys Ocean and collision of Indochina Terrane-Belitung with Sibumasu and West Sumatra Terranes, respectively. These events ended tectono-stratigraphic sequences in Belitung Island. For the rest of time, from Jurassic until mid-Neogene time, the Belitung Island just drifted and rotated across the equatorial paleo-latitudes as response to regional tectonics of Southeast Asia. Uplifts of the Belitung Island occurring since Upper Mesozoic until Recent have peneplainized the island.

Carboniferous to Late Triassic rock complex that make up Belitung Island are outcrop analogues of the productive basement reservoirs (Pre-Tertiary fractured granites, meta-sedimentary, and metamorphic reservoirs) in Tertiary basins of SE Asia, especially in western Indonesia, offshore Vietnam, and the western Gulf of Thailand. The natures, distribution, and patterns of contacts among basement rocks can be studied in Belitung Island. The knowledge gained from these outcrop analogues can provide insights for developing fields with basement reservoirs.

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