
Biosurfactant and bioacid producing microbes from Indonesian oil fields

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 24th Ann. Conv., 1995

The recent vast advances in biotechnology incite renewed interest in applying microbially enhanced oil recovery (MEOR) as a possible energy efficient, environmental friendly solution for improving oil recovery, including in Indonesia.With the support of PERTAMINA Research Grant Programme, a study was conducted at LEMIGAS Research and Development Centre for Oil and Gas Technology to isolate and characterize microorganisms found in Indonesian oil fields, with the view of identifying those which have potential to be developed for utilization in MEOR.Sixteen isolates of microbes from oil field environments in the Cepu, Cirebon and Rantau areas have been identified and determined. Five species were found to have higher growth rate in hydrocarbon adulterated medium.The following species were recorded to have been able to reduce interfacial tension, thus indicating that they do prodace biosurfactant in their metabolism: 5'. epidemz idis, P. aeruginosa, C. pseudodiphthenticum , B. latherosporus, B. coagulans, FIavobactenum sp., B. alvei and B. lichenifomis. No such clear indications, however, were observed on their bioacid producing tendencies.

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