
Bireun High complex, a rejuvenated carbonate province in offshore North Sumatra Basin

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 38th Ann. Conv., 2014

Bireun High area is located directly in the offshore part of Bireun administrative district, in the Aceh Province. Currently the area is held under the Lhokseumawe PSC operated by Zaratex NV. Tectonically, it is a north-south trending horst block which is part of the greater North Sumatra Basin. The offshore part of the Aceh Province in North Sumatra Basin (NSB) is remarkably under-explored petroleum province with giant potential. Instability of geopolitical situation, local security problem and large-scale natural disaster have been the major obstacle for stakeholders to conduct exploration activities in the past. Tately NV through its associated companies Zaratex has conducted aggressive exploration activities in the area. The acquisition of 3650 km2 of 3D seismic data in 2009/2010 (by now is still the largest proprietary 3D seismic survey in Indonesia) led to the recognition of new potential, for Miocene carbonate reservoirs of the Peutu Formation in the Bireun High.. Various carbonate potential equivalent in age with Arun and NSO field reservoirs have been identified in the area. The facies and geometry vary from a classic build-up reef, lagoonal, platform to clastic carbonate debris. In 2012, a wildcat exploration well JR-1 was drilled and the result contributes to our understanding of the exploration potential of this carbonate play. This paper reviews the rejuvenation of the popular exploration play for the Miocene carbonate Peutu Formation. Hydrocarbons are interpreted to have migrated from deep basinal kitchens located adjacent to structural highs. Source rocks consist ov low richness terrestrial and marine shales of the Parapat and Bampo Formations) are generally accepted as being highly prolific, Seal is provided by thick regional marine shales that flooded over the carbonates (Baong and Keutapang Formations).

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