
Blocked Perforation Detection Using Arduino-Based Time-of-Flight Ultrasound Sensor

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 40th Ann. Conv., 2016

Recently, oil production in Indonesiahas beendecreasing. A minor but non-trivial problemarises from production and drilling activities at the coal face so to speak. The perforation holes necessary for extraction of hydrocarbons from the reservoir can become blocked over time. The performance of the perforations can be impairedas a result of blockage by gravel sandstone and sandstone. One solution utilizes time-of-flight ultrasound sensor to detect any blockage. This data acquisition system consists of Ultrasonic distance sensor, Arduino Uno R3 enumerator, Arduino IDE software ver 1.6.6, and Borland Delphi 7.0 as User Interface. HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor worksby firing eightultrasonic pulses modulated at a frequency of 40 KHz. The pulse is transmitted after the trigger pin has given pulse logic "1" during 10 microseconds by Arduino Microcontroller. The transmittedsignal is reflected by the wall of perforation hole back to the receiver. Then, the sensor measures the travel time of the reflected echo signals and processes it into distance. ATMega328 chip is thecontrol center. Distance changes produce changes in the value of the voltage to the circuit connected to the ultrasonic sensor. In this investigation, we used two shadow boxes to simulate drill hole with one perforation hole on each shadow box. One box presents cleanperforation and the otherpresents blockedperforation. The result of this testshows that time-of-flight ultrasound sensor can detect and map a blocked perforation. Keywords: Blockage, Perforation Hole, Ultrasound, Time-Of-Flight, Arduino

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