
Case studies of foundation failures in the Indonesian energy sector

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 14th Ann. Conv., 1985

As the magnitude of energy facihties grows, so grow the problems of supporting these facilities. This paper pre- sents case histories of foundation failures in particular. Case histories include fuel storage tanks which are moving stea- dily downhill because they are founded on a lanslide, pipelines that have shifted out of alignment more than 75 cm, an oil exploration rig which settled nearly one me- ter in less than 24 hours and a coal terminal that will be delayed at least a year because the bound has settled more than 50 cm. The paper discusses methods of reducing the possibility of failures under adverse ground support condi- tions before the structures are erected. Proper engineering and planning are stressed. However, frequently the useful life of petroleum and energy related facilities is substan- tially shorter than commercial structures and the design factor of safety can be reduced. Finally, remedial proce- dures, specifically those available in Indonesia, for reducing the possibility of failures or corrective procedures for foundations that have failed or area near failure are revealed. The action taken subsequent to the case history failures are detailed.These include drilled piers, piles and surcharge loads to dissipate settlement.

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