
Challenges of sub-thrust imaging using broadband three-dimensional seismic data: a case study in the outer Banda Arc, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 38th Ann. Conv., 2014

Leading edge, high quality seismic data lead to the development of new ideas and concepts for exploration. The documented case study was carried out in the Babar Selaru PSC in East Indonesia. The acquisition was done in 2013 and processing is still ongoing. Three-dimensional (3D) broadband seismic data acquisition with long streamer, wide streamer spread, and broadband data processing with advanced prestack depth migration (PrSDM) velocity modeling and imaging were utilized for the study. The paper will describe the benefits of broadband seismic imaging within a deformation front along the Outer Banda Arc using CGG’s variable depth streamer technology (BroadSeis). Variable depth streamer acquisition technology is an application of broadband marine seismic technologies to remove the receiver ghost. This broadband marine seismic acquisition method provided high S/N data and good acquisition performance through severe weather conditions. A new pre-migration deghosting technology was utilized before demultiple sequences for this project and successfully provided stable broadband frequencies for subsequent demultiple processing sequences. Kirchhoff prestack time migration (PrSTM), PrSDM, and Controlled Gaussian Beam Migration (CBM) were utilized for velocity modeling and seismic imaging. High resolution imaging of geologic features within the 3D broadband PrSTM volume will be demonstrated and discussed, together with a discussion of the sub-thrust section revealed in considerable detail by the 3D broadband PrSDM volume. The results of a fast-tracked 3D broadband seismic and PrSDM imaging showed significant contributions to increase the understanding of petroleum systems and exploration risk elements in what has previously been a frontier region because of imaging problems. Keyword: Frontier, Thrust, Variable depth streamer, Broadband, BroadSeis, Premigration deghosting, Kirchhoff PrSDM, CBM.

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