
Characterization of deep-water depositional systems in the basin plain environment using shallow 3D seismic data across the Topaz Anticline, North Sumatra, Indonesia

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 29th Ann. Conv., 2003

This study uses high quality 3D seismic of the ENI Indonesia concession area in the Krueng Mane PSC in the North Sumatra Basin of Indonesia to characterize the Late Pliocene - Recent, deep-water basin plain depositional system. The data provide fine images of basin plain depositional elements and develops the depositional history from different seismic intervals, as it integrates Dip Azimuth, Amplitude Extraction and Seismic Facie s Maps. The main deposits identified in the area are debrites, drape sediments and channel deposits. The study has concentrated on the channel deposits. They can be classified into 4 channel patterns, which are channel levee, parallel, braided, and feeder channel patterns. The channel patterns have been influenced by the development of the main anticlinal structure and the growth faults.

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