
Characterization of Geological Structure in Hydrocarbon Reservoir to Enhance the Efficiency of Oil Recovery by Using Microseismic Monitoring

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Microseismic is a method used for oil field monitoring, performed by using small-earthquakes induced either by hydraulic fracturing or other sources such as earth tides. The latter can be performed passively. The microseismic signals derived from hydrocarbon reservoirs give a specific frequency between 0.2-6 Hz. Microseismic methods make it possible to determine the characteristics of fractures formed below the surface. The information is later used to help support decisions on which EOR methods should be taken and the location of the targets. This paper discuss the characterization of geological structures in hydrocarbon reservoirs as a way to find more effective EOR treatments, A case study at field X, combines both literature study and microseismic data processing and interpretation. With adequate quality and quantity of data and proper setting of initial amplitude and dominant frequency, fractures can be visible as “weaker” zones shown in a contour map.

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