
Cilacap refinery pollution abatement

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 8th Ann. Conv., 1979

Cilacap Refinery is built close to the residential area. Cilacap is one cf the most important fishing area of the Southern, part of Java, consequently the ecological balance should be considered as necessary.During the period of feasibility study and construction of the Refinery the fauna as well the flora of the surrounding were surveyed/ evaluated. After start-up, monitoring was carried out and observed that pollution prevention was satisfactory.From the monitored results of the Gajah Mada Biological Faculty Jogjakarta of 1976/ 1977 as composed to the Base Line Study Data of 1975, it appeared that the influence of the Cilacap Refinery Operation on the manggrove community was only around the refinery (200 m upstream and downstream of the effluent water along the refinery fence).Of the 19 kinds of vegetation identified there were 6 kinds destroyed , among other :sarcolobus, Acanthus ilicifolius, Derris heterophylla, Avicennia officinalis, Rhizophora dan Xylocarpus.The fauna condition is continually being monitored.New equipment and methods are being utilised for pollution abatement at the Cilacap Refinery, as well as tight control on effluent water and air emission.The oil content of the effluent water ex Cilacap Refinery is not more than 15 ppm while the emitted gases do not exceed the threshold limit value.Control and monitoring programs are being performed through integration between pollution control, safety and industrial hygiene and through periodical team work between Pertamina and Pollution Study group coordinated by Lemigas.

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