
Clastic rocks and reservoirs of Indonesia: introduction and overview of core workshop

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., Clastic Rocks and Reservoirs of Indonesia: A Core Workshop, 1993

This is the second IPA core workshop, following on from the successful 1992 event, which covered carbonate rocks and reservoirs. This year, we have concentrated on clastic rocks, with contributions from seven areas. These represent some of the important clastic, hydrocarbon reservoirs in Indonesia.The cored intervals represent reservoir stratigraphy and environments typical of the clastic fill of most Tertiary basins in the area. Viewing the rocks themselves helps the explorationist to visualise the geology that is ",hidden", within seismic and wireline log data. In particular the cores give us some important clues to the geological controls on reservoir performance. These controls are on all scales from the pore throat up to field-wide sandbody distribution and include diagenesis, depositional facies and facies architecture.One of the main goals of a workshop like this, i's to bring together experts in the interpretation of clastic rocks and reservoirs so that we can explore for and develop reservoirs in the best way possible. The understanding gained from the papers contributed here and the sharing of information and ideas amongst the participants should help achieve that aim.

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