
Computer aided reservoir management on Handil field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 19th Ann. Conv., 1990

A computerized monitoring and reservoir management tool called FIMOS (Field Monitoring System) was developed by TOTAL Indonesie to cope with the increasing volume of data, the complexity of the monitoring tasks and to provide efficient control and management of Handil field.On the operations side FIMOS provides data acquisition, control and consultation of the static and dynamic status of wells, completions and surface facilities. Automatic management of production tests and wireline priorities are also provided.To facilitate daily monitoring of wells, FIMOS features a simple expert system allowing to check the status and trend of each string, diagnose problems and propose solutions. A complete set of production performance curves is also generated to allow monitoring of gas lift.For reservoir management purposes, an integrated program is provided with production allocation modules, sector-based material balance capability and retrieval/reporting functions in the form of tables and graphics. Pressure data and pressure interpretation results are stored and processed at this level.FIMOS also provides features that describe qualitatively the current state and understanding of the completion. This information is crucial as the completed intervals produce from multilayered reservoirs and with the ageing dual and multiple completions, leaks sometimes develop. Correct understanding of the leak or communication pattern is of paramount importance to allow programming of work needed and further planning of the well life.This paper describes FIMOS organization and the way it is used fo monitor operations and wells and to manage the reservoirs.

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