
Computer program to determine casing setting depth from seismic interval velocity

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 19th Ann. Conv., 1990

As a result of the current trend towards drilling in more complex geological environments, systematic well planning is becoming increasingly important.An Integral part of such planning is the determination of casing setting depths. With the geological information acquired from seismic readings coupled with a basic understanding of drilling principles, casing setting depths can be determined such that many drilling problems can be avoided, or at least minimized and wells can be drilled safely to the objective depths.Drilling programs initiate with the selection of casing depths. Accuracy of picking casing depths will influence well cost estimates, casing designs and the overall success of drilling the well.One method to determine the casing setting depth is by adopting Mclure's method in determining pore pressure using the seismic interval velocity profile. This method proved accurate in the vertical range of 100 ft to 500 ft, however it requires engineering time to plot and interprete.Now, a computer program on the Macintosh is being used within Mobil to determine setting depths using the same method.Compared with the traditional technique, the computer program is easier and faster to use while providing greater flexibility.The program conforms to the Macintosh user interface common to Macintosh SE applications. Running the program is straight forward. It is assumed that the users are already familiar with the basics of using the Macintosh as described in the Macintosh manual.

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