
Deconvolution Using Matlab Script to Identify Fault-Seal

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 42nd Ann. Conv., 2018

Faults are a break or planar surface in brittle rock across which there is observable displacement. Its movement is described as normal, reverse or stikeslip. Faults are important controlling elements of hydrocarbons migration systems in sedimentary basins. When faults undergo displacement, their fluid transmissibility properties change as a result of juxtaposing different lithologies across the fault. Many existing faults consist of a zone of fractured and broken material rather than a clean simple break in the geologic structure. Seismic data and synthetic seismograms are created by Tesseral software. The vertical incidence traces are then applied to be processed in Matlab to obtain the properties of that fault seal. The result from the calculation can be used to determine the location of the fault which can be the most efficient migration path by using deconvolution and we can obtain the velocity that can be derived from reflection coeficient of the fault which is fulled by some material and will be compared to the model.

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