
Deep-Water Slope Reservoir Geometries and Properties in Wiriagar Deep Field

Proceedings Title : Proc. Indon. Petrol. Assoc., 48th Ann. Conv., 2024

The Wiriagar Deep (WD) field is currently the second biggest gas field in the Greater Tangguh area, Papua Barat, Eastern Indonesia. The field is orientated in a NW-SE direction and covers both onshore and offshore areas. The first gas discovery was in 1994 with the Wiriagar Deep-1 well, which found pay in marginal marine Jurassic and deep-water stacked Paleocene reservoirs as primary resources within the field.

Since then, there have been seven additional exploration and appraisal wells drilled, and these confirmed the potential of multi-TCF GIIP from both Jurassic and Paleocene reservoirs, where the latter are larger in volume.

The development of the field was initiated in the offshore area in 2019, with six Jurassic-dedicated development wells with opportunistic Paleocene appraisal, followed by two Paleocene-dedicated development wells, drilled and completed in 2022.

This paper will provide the latest drilling results and interpretation of the deep-water Paleocene main reservoir towards the onshore area, covering stratigraphic framework, depositional framework, channel architectural elements, dimensions, and reservoir properties. The study also includes integration of data from the existing exploration wells, latest interpretation from the newly reprocessed seismic data, and field outcrop analogues.

The results of this study demonstrate higher confidence in the prediction of architectural elements, geobody dimensions, and reservoir properties, which greatly improve our subsurface understanding. This increased understanding is valuable for future further development decisions for the field, especially when coupled with the production and surveillance data from the two development wells.

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